Wadhams Post, G.A.R. #49 (Waterbury)
— Department of Connecticut
Wadhams Post, No. 49, of the Grand Army of the Republic, Departmen of Connecticut, was instituted in Waterbury on August 14, 1879 by Charles E. Fowler, Commander, Department of Connecticut.
From the first battle at Fort Sumter in April 1861 until the last at Appomattox in April 1865, the War of the Rebellion would call nearly 1 in 12 men from Waterbury and Watertown. With a population of just 10,000 - these towns sent 800 to war and of that number, 80 brave men were killed. Among them were three brothers of the Wadhams family for whom this Post was named. Research about the history of Wadhams Post is ongoing. Notes are being transcribed from the Memorial Book of Wadhams Post. Pictured on this page is Edward T. Abbott in his traditional G.A.R. uniform (including cap and G.A.R. Medal).
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Each G.A.R. Post was built around three basic values — Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty.
As part of the history of Wadhams Post as recorded in their memorial book, the following entry appears:
"Regulations require that in the selection of a name - only that of a deceased person be used, - and, it was thought fitting and appropriate that the names and services of three brothers - who enlisted in different regiments, and who were killed in action within a period of sixteen days, - (one of whom was the head of a family living in Waterbury - and who took an active interest in the organization of a Post,) should be honored and perpetuated in this way. Their names, Regiment, and date of death, are as follows, Srgt. Edward Wadhams, 8th C.V.?. - killed at Fort Darling, VA, May 16, 1864, Lieut. Henry W. Wadhams, 14th C.V.?. Killed at North Anna River, VA, May 26th, 1864, and Capt. Lurnam(?) Wadhams - 2d Conn., ?.A. - killed at Cold Harbor, VA, June 1st, 1864."
If you have additional details about Wadhams Post No. 49, Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Connecticut, please contact us so we can share the information via this site.
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